티스토리 뷰


Jessica Gomes

WIN-D... 2008. 3. 2. 20:10
Now.... I'm crazy about Jessica Gomes...;;

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First Name: Jessica
Last Name: Gomes
Nationality: Australian
Ethnicity: Singaporean/Portuguese
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown
Date of Birth: 1985
Place of Birth: Perth, Australia
Height: 5'9.5" ; 176cm
Measurements: (US) 33-23-35 ; (EU) 84-59-89
Dress Size: (US) 8 ; (EU) 38
Shoe Size: (US) 9 ; (EU) 40
Advertisements: DKNY Jeans, Garnier, Levi's, Motorola, Urban Outfitters, Victoria's Secret
Magazine Covers: France: 'Biba' - August 2005
Fashion Shows:
Notes: - She appeared in the 2008 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit Edition

The one thing I'm absolutely obsessed with lately is ...
Anything to do with India. It's one of the most amazing places. It's one of my favorite things to do now, read up on India. I'm constantly going into ABC Carpet & Home in New York and looking at all the different Indian furniture ... and just the culture and everything. I think I'm obsessed with anything Indian right now. It's always been a place I wanted to go to and I went to see a movie, The Namesake, and it's about this Indian family that moves to New York and I remember just going into ABC Carpet & Home, and I just fell in love with the place. I just think it's so amazing; it's one of my favorite places to just go to when I have nothing to do, just to go hang out in there and look at all the furniture. I always wanted to study interior design when I was in high school.
On a quiet, rainy day I usually ...
Snuggle up in bed and read a book or watch a movie. I like to read a lot of autobiographies and biographies. I most definitely like to read about other people. I think that's always interesting. For movies, I'd probably watch a movie with Brad Pitt in it, or something, like Legends of the Fall. Yeah, that's what I did last time on a rainy day: I watched Legends of the Fall with my friends and we were all screaming about how hot Brad Pitt looks in that movie. Stupid girly movies. I actually read the biography about Anna Wintour. It's a really interesting book because I've met her before. I did the Vogue presentation with her. Everyone has this, you know, view of her, and after reading the book I was really like, 'Wow! She's been through a lot and she's really come a long way to where she is now' and it's really inspiring to read her book. So that was pretty cool.
If I were giving a tour of my home, the one place I wouldn't show anyone is ...
I don't have a home right now, it's more like my hotel [laughs]. Probably my laundry, my laundry piles, or even my bed, where my bedroom is. I don't like to have guests around my bed. A few private things happen around the bed [laughs], so I don't like it when people are on my bed.
The sexiest thing a man has ever done for me is ...
Gosh, my last boyfriend was a year ago. Well, I've got two options, we can choose. Tell me what you think. My first boyfriend ever, he was a surfer and he lived down south of Perth, [Australia], where I'm from, in a place called Yallingup. He took me to one of these really secret little swimming holes with a rock that we jumped off. He kind of blindfolded me and walked me through this big, bushy trail to this really big, open, nice quarry with a big rock that we jumped off and then swam a bit. That was cute. And then, another guy once took me to a day spa and he had it all closed off and nobody was allowed in there except for us and we had wine in a spa bath and we had a massage together and all of that.
And the sexiest thing I've ever done for a man is ...
I did buy a ticket for my ex-, ex-, ex-boyfriend to come to Korea where I was working. He came to Korea and I threw him a surprise birthday party. It was very cool. He booked the flight and I put it on my credit card. He was a body boarder and so he didn't really have that much money.
I feel a secret connection with ...
I just actually shot my Estee Lauder thing and his album cover, and this is with Sean Combs. He's a really cool guy, and we definitely probably have a really great connection, we're still very great friends and he's a special person. He is inspiring because he's built himself up from nothing. He's so business-minded and he believes in himself, and that was always something, some energy, that I got from him when I was working with him. I guess I love my hip hop, or whatever, but he really opened my eyes because I just moved to New York two years ago, and he definitely with me, in meeting celebrities.
In a past life I was ...
In a past life I think I was a tiger, a white Chinese tiger with blue eyes. I have this obsession with tigers and I've always felt that I've had this, like, jungle-girl kind of thing. It's funny because I have a birthmark on my leg and its white and it looks like a tiger's print, and my dad always used to call me "tiger girl" ... It's very faint, you can hardly see it. Also, in looking American-Indian, I've always had that jungle woman kind of thing going on and so I've always felt I had that jungle fever in me, kind of thing.
If I didn't have any responsibilities tomorrow morning, I would spend tonight ...
I would be painting the town red with all of my friends. Yeah, it would be just going out and having fun with all my girlfriends. Start off drinking wine, and then going out dancing until early hours in the morning [laughs]. I'd probably go to a concert, or something. A rock concert. Probably Wolfmother, or something. I just went to see Wolfmother actually; they're an Australian rock band.
If I didn't have any responsibilities for a week, I would go to ...
I would get on a plane and go to India. No [laughs], I don't know. I'd probably get on a plane and go see my family in Portugual.
If you asked my friends about me, the first thing they would tell you is ...
That I do really good impersonations of people [laughs]. My friends, they're always like, 'Jess, do your impersonation of this person,' and I'll do it. My friends are always saying, 'You do great impersonations of people, of celebrities.' I do a really good impersonation of Sandra Sully, who is an Australian news reporter.
The last thing I really splurged on was ...
Ooh, I really splurged on this fur, it's rabbit fur but it's printed leopard. It's not real leopard. It's a really amazing, beautiful jacket that I bought from Paris from a little fur boutique there called Rebecca. I don't know though, because I know a lot of people are against fur but its rabbit fur, and in Australia rabbits are actually pests so I don't feel bad. Yeah, that's probably the last thing that I've actually splurged on, a nice coat. I went into the store three times. I went in there once every day that I was in Paris, and I tried it on and they were having this really big sale so I got it for 70 percent off, but fur is really expensive in Paris, and this is a one-of-a-kind, the only jacket ever made. Yeah, it was a lot of money, but it's well worth it. I love it. It's so nice and it keeps me so warm in winter in New York when it snows.
If I were going to a costume party tonight, I would dress as ...
I would dress up as Catwoman, or something. Catwoman, like Halle Berry. She's really cool, definitely a really great actress and that's just how I'm feeling right now.
When I get dressed to go to the grocery store, my clothing inspiration is ...
In winter, I was always with my Ugg boots and my comfortable track suit pants and a T-shirt. In the summer I'll put a pair of jeans on, and a T-shirt, and my Birkenstocks or my ballet slippers. I really like ballet slippers.
When I get dressed up for a party, my clothing inspiration is ...
Well, recently I really just like to dress chic, simple and sexy. I love Dior jeans, a pair of really nice stiletto shoes, and a simple, black, dressy top. I have this simple nice black Roland Mouret top and a nice Ballenciaga black kind of tailored jacket, that's always nice. I used to be very Bohemian, hippie-like from Australia. Now ,I think it's just nice to be a little simpler, nothing too over the top, maybe just a nice necklace. That's definitely my thing right now; just wear simple, nice, black, chic clothes.
One thing I do only when I'm home completely alone is ...
Probably call my family in Australia. Talk to my sisters, my brother and my parents. That's one thing that I like to do when I get back home by myself. You know, talk to the family and they'll bring me back down to earth. That's probably one of my favorite things, to go buy international calling cards, jump into bed, and call my family. I have two older sisters and one older brother; I'm the baby.
The one thing I hate for people to know about me is that I ...
I'm a private person. Nobody's perfect, but I hate it when people talk about my private life, I mean, that's in general. Or if you embarrassed yourself and people bring that up again, that moment that you embarrassed yourself, I hate that.
If I had to spend $1 million right now, I would ...
I would run into Hermes and buy everything. And I'd book myself a ticket to India and I'd run into ABC Carpet & Home and I'd buy everything, too [laughs].
If I had to spend $10 right now, I would ...
I would probably go and buy French Vogue.
The sexiest I've ever felt was ...
I'd probably have to say shooting Press Play, the Diddy album. It was the first time that I felt that sexy. As you get older and start becoming more comfortable with your body and start working with the opposite sex, and start doing more sexy things, I think especially with a musician, you know, that's probably where I felt the sexiest on a shoot. Being that woman, being the main, you know, 'You're the one that makes this album look great.' It's about you and being beautiful and being a woman and being sexy and seductive in a tasteful way. I think that was probably the first time I felt really sexy. Especially for such a music mogul, a big music person.
The one place I've seen that I'll never forget is ...
Probably when I shot with David LaChapelle in the jungle in Maui. We went right, deep into the jungle, literally where there were these green sticks all around us, you know what I mean? You could not see light. That was amazing. ... We stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel. But yeah, we shot right there in the dense, dense jungle and it was really, really cool.
My favorite time to be naked is ...
Definitely at night, I like to be naked. Yeah, I sleep in the nude. Oh actually, the best feeling is swimming naked. The best feeling is when you swim naked in the ocean.
When it comes to nudity, most people don't know that I ...
That I like to swim nude, at night. I'm from Western Australia, and they've got some of the most beautiful beaches, and there's hardly anyone there, so that's probably the most comfortable I'd ever feel in swimming nude. Or up north, it's really beautiful there and isolated. No one is at these beaches and it's so invigorating to take off all your clothes knowing that no one can see you for miles and just jumping in the ocean naked. It's uplifting. I think that's the most comfortable I'd ever feel naked in doing that.
When I open my eyes in the morning, the very first thing on my mind is ...
The first thing on my mind is probably, 'What do I need to achieve today? What do I need to do?' If I do have the day off, then it's, 'What's the most exciting thing I can do?' If I'm in New York, that's probably the first thing on my mind. "What can I do today that's going to be exciting and make me happy and a better me?' That's probably how I'm feeling right now.
My favorite thing to do in the comfort of my own room is ...
I like to put on music and dance in front of the mirror. I like putting on Playground Love by Air and I like to dance really, you know, sexy and androgynous kind of thing. That's probably one of the songs I put on and I'm like, singing it into the mirror. But I like to dance in front of the mirror. I guess all girls do that. Yeah, all girls get in front of the mirror when they're alone and dance. I guess it makes you happy, it's like good endorphins and you feel sexy, you feel powerful. Also, I like to moisturize my whole body before, while I put moisturizer on my body I love to dance in front of the mirror and play Playground Love.
An athlete I have a secret crush on is ...
I did have a big crush on Christian Ronaldo, but for an athlete he's a bit of a [jerk]. My father's from Portugal, so my father's a soccer fiend and we went to Portugal for the European Cup in 2004 and he was really kind of cute. Out of all the sports, I like soccer players. Right now I think I like Nuno Gomes. He has the same last name as me. Yeah, Nuno Gomes, he's cute. I'm definitely into the Portuguese soccer players [laughs].
How about an entertainer?
I really have a secret crush on Johnny Depp. He's a great, great actor. He's a sexy guy without even trying. I think he's just got this coolness. He seems really cool and down-to-earth, but he's so sexy and he's got that whole package. He's just so talented. He's just probably the coolest guy at the moment. He's got really great taste. Yeah, I love his movies. I think he's a really great, great actor, and really good at what he does, yet really humble and creative.
If I could be anything but a model, I would be ...
I would love to be a fashion designer and have my own empire. That's exactly what I'd like to do. I'd love to be an entrepreneur type of thing, a business-woman, creator of an empire in fashion designing and makeup. And I'd love to be an actress, actually, as well. I just finished a program at Stella Adler for acting. It was really, really inspiring to me. It really helped me open up to the world and just not care about what people think. We took voice and speech classes, we did body movement classes, we did scene studies and it really helped me with modeling, just going to castings and being in front of the camera and all that.
If I could be anywhere else in the world right now, I would be ...
I'd probably want to go back to Perth to see my parents. It was my father's birthday yesterday. The place I'd want to be right now, right this second, would be Perth.
In a group of people, I'm always the first to ...
To say something funny. I'm very much the person that makes everyone feel comfortable and lighthearted. I definitely have that in me. I always say something funny or I'm always the kind of person that likes to make other people feel comfortable.
The worst lie I ever told was ...
I don't like to lie, but I have I lied to my parents about how much hotel rooms cost and things like that when I travel.
To impress a cute man at a bar, I would ...
I'd just smile. I think it's really funny that you ask that question because I've been reading this book that my friend and I were talking about and it's called The Rules, and what you should do, the main general rules about relationships and stuff. It says to ignore them and walk away, but I think that, in general, a guy always likes a smile from a girl, you know, that pleasant, we're-having-a-good-time kind of smile never hurt anyone. Smile and show your pearly whites [laughs].
The last time I saw a woman and thought "I wish I looked like her" was ...
I was at this club last week and I saw Gisele Bundchen and she was on stage dancing and I thought, 'Gosh! She has an amazing, amazing body.' She's definitely someone that I love. She's really focused and it's something that I admired about her. But yet she was just in such a simple black T-shirt, black jeans ... her body was just incredible.
My personal hero is ...
My father is probably my hero. He's an amazing father. He immigrated to Australia when he was 21. He traveled around the whole world, met my mother, an Asian woman. In Portugal, bringing home an Asian woman, and vice versa with my parents, is a big deal. My parents are still together now, after 36 years. My parents are heroes to me, both my mom and my father. I think that they've done a really good job and I've only started appreciating that since moving to New York. I'm lucky that I come from such a loving, normal background and my parents are still together because I think it's not nice when you come from a broken family. That's one thing that I really look up to in my parents. Because it's tough!
Do you have any sort of special connection with your hometown?
Perth is one of the most isolated cities in the world. I love going back! I love the people there; everyone's so chilled out and thinking about today, not tomorrow. People are just really happy and chilled and appreciative of what's around them. They're not really concerned about fashion. I just like the simplicity of the place and the easy-goingness of everyone. It's always nice to go back to and live that chilled-out, beach-culture life.
Where's the one place you have to go when you're in your hometown?
The winery in Margaret River. The wineries in Margaret River are amazing. There's a lot of places. We have to go to Cottesloe Beach. Eat fish and chips on the beach in Freemantle. Yeah, it's very nice.
How do you feel about environmental issues such as global warming or pollution?
Shoot, this is coming after me talking about buying a fur coat. Especially in America, I think that we really do need to start recycling and saving our trees because the air right now is so polluted. I think we need to save as many trees as we can and really cut down on plastics and paper. We all need to do a little bit extra and not turn a blind eye to all these things that we're wasting. I remember I went to the grocery store the other day and I bought a muffin or something, and it came wrapped in, literally, 10 pieces of paper and I was like, "I don't need this much paper!"

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